International Conference
of Contemporary Jewellery in Bratislava

Veronika Uhrecká: Beyond Anxiety



The Beyond Anxiety exhibition presents a long-term cycle of work by the author, who is intensively devoted to personal transformation – from a paralyzing phobia of spiders to a fascination with these creatures and their world. The theme of spiders and their tangled cocoons becomes a metaphor for the inner journey that the author went through from fear to acceptance and admiration.

The exhibition includes three-dimensional objects, sculptures and jewelry, which are created using the unique technique of “framing” from wire. In this way, the author forms spaces – cavities, cocoons and tangles that represent imaginary beings, feelings, dreams or fears. For the author, this creative process is not only a way of expression, but also a way of introspection and a deep dive into her own subconscious, similar to her experienced states of anxiety.

The creative process itself is as important as the final works. Repetitive actions of intuitive modeling and braiding of wire become a meditation that detaches the author from her thoughts and brings her closer to nature. This ritual process also reflects her journey to self-reflection and inner peace.

In the author’s work, the cocoon is a symbol of growth, transformation and metamorphosis, but also of safety and shelter from external threats – similar to the womb. The wire he uses works as a metaphor for a strand of spider silk – an extremely strong yet fragile material that combines both strength and vulnerability. The author experiments with different metals (steel, copper, brass, silver and gold), as well as with the scale and thickness of the wire, which emphasizes the diversity and uniqueness of each of the created works.

The Beyond Anxiety exhibition is therefore not only an aesthetic experience, but also an invitation to an introspective journey that encourages us to look for beauty even in what once scared us. It is through these personal transformations that we can better understand our own inner worlds and come to terms with them.

Photo authors Juraj Sabol, Andrej Poliak, Jaroslav Vaľko.



Výstava Beyond Anxiety predstavuje dlhodobý cyklus tvorby autorky, ktorá sa intenzívne venuje osobnej transformácii – od paralyzujúcej fóbie z pavúkov až po fascináciu týmito tvormi a ich svetom. Téma pavúkov a ich spletitých zámotkov sa stáva metaforou pre vnútornú cestu, ktorú autorka prešla od strachu k prijatiu a obdivu.

Výstava zahŕňa priestorové objekty, sochy a šperky, ktoré sú vytvorené unikátnou technikou „zosnovávania“ z drôtu. Autorka týmto spôsobom formuje priestory – dutiny, zámotky a spleti, ktoré reprezentujú imaginárnych bytostí,  pocity, sny či obavy. Tento proces tvorby je pre autorku nielen spôsobom vyjadrenia, ale aj spôsobom introspekcie a hlbokým ponorením sa do vlastného podvedomia, podobne ako jej prežívané stavy úzkosti.

Samotný proces tvorby je rovnako dôležitý ako výsledné diela. Repetitívne úkony intuitívneho modelovania a spletania drôtu sa stávajú meditáciou, ktorá autorku odpútava od jej myšlienok a približuje k prírode. Tento rituálny proces odzrkadľuje aj jej cestu k sebareflexii a vnútornému pokoju.

Kokón alebo zámotok je v autorkinej práci symbolom rastu, premeny a metamorfózy, ale aj bezpečia a úkrytu pred vonkajšími hrozbami – podobne ako maternica. Drôt, ktorý využíva, funguje ako metafora vlákna pavúčieho hodvábu – extrémne pevného, no zároveň krehkého materiálu, ktorý spája silu aj zraniteľnosť. Autorka experimentuje s rôznymi kovmi (oceľ, meď, mosadz, striebro a zlato), ako aj s mierkou a hrúbkou drôtu čím zdôrazňuje rozmanitosť a jedinečnosť každej z vytvorených prác.

Výstava Beyond Anxiety je teda nielen estetickým zážitkom, ale aj pozvánkou na introspektívnu cestu, ktorá nás povzbudzuje hľadať krásu aj v tom, čo nás kedysi desilo. Práve cez tieto osobné premeny môžeme lepšie pochopiť vlastné vnútorné svety a vyrovnať sa s nimi.

Autori fotografií Juraj Sabol, Andrej Poliak, Jaroslav Vaľko.


Where to Go

Galéria Cit

Heydukova 2144, 811 08 Bratislava

When to Go


4. Oct


event duration

4. October - 6. October 2024


Veronika Uhrecká

Veronika Uhrecká is a jeweller, goldsmith, and designer currently experimenting with sculpture and installation. She graduated from the Secondary school of Applied Arts in Kremnica, specializing in goldsmithing and silversmithing. She spent two years studying at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp, Belgium, in the Jewellery and Metal Design program, under the guidance of Nedda El-Asmar and Jorge Manilla. She deepened her knowledge of silversmithing techniques through a workshop led by Siegfried de Buck. Veronika works in fine jewelry design under the brand UHRECKI, which she co-founded with her husband, and in recent years has focused more on creating art jewellery pieces and objects. As an active member of the Aura Jewellers’ Association, she contributes to organizing the International Symposium of Art Jewellery in Kremnica.

3. Oct


Galéria MEDIUM

4. Oct

12:00 - 15:00

A4 - Priestor súčasnej kultúry

4. Oct


A4 - Priestor súčasnej kultúry

4. Oct



4. Oct


Galéria Cit

4. Oct


A4 - Priestor súčasnej kultúry

5. Oct


Galéria MEDIUM

5. Oct


Galéria MEDIUM

International Conference of Contemporary Jewellery in Bratislava